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Learn about our projects

Looking for an ideal Partner?

We are always interested in novel ideas and new challenges

Apart from our products and services, the staff of THESS is always ready for new challenges!

THESS has submitted several proposals in the last Call from the General Secretariat of Research and Technology into the framework of Research and Innovation. Novel ideas were produced and new partners appeared during the proposal period. We keep our fingers crossed!

Ongoing Projects

Whereas several proposals waiting for approval, THESS is now working on the following projects

10/10/2021 - 10/10/2023
LCMETRICA (Life Cycle assessMEnt sofTwaRe usIng reCycled Aggregates) will proceed in the construction of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software and the calculation of the environmental footprint and its reduction potential usIng recycled aggregates.

Completed Projects

THESS finished projects

dT-Epilepsy logo
27/07/2018 - 27/07/2022
dT-EPILEPSY proposes the development of a deep-TMS–EEG system allowing the optimization of transcranial stimulation over the epileptogenic zone. This approach is expected to open new pathways for the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients with epilepsy.